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Connecting the Community

Did You Know

Among the 400,000 foster children in America, teenagers are the hardest to place with families. Nearly half live in institutions or group homes, and their prospects don’t improve once they “age out” of the system. Nearly one-third of foster boys will go to jail before they reach age 19; foster girls are more than twice as likely to get pregnant as nonfostered teenagers and many foster kids eventually end up homeless. On the whole, foster children are twice as likely as war veterans to develop post-­traumatic stress disorder.



Idaho has been ranked as one of the lowest funded states in the nation and in addition has no aging out program.   LETS MAKE A DIFFRENCE!  Simply choose how you would like to help a foster child on the DONATION PAGE and FCF will match it to a foster child need.



Idaho Foster Parents Blog

Foster Focus Magazine Online

The Dream Center of LA

I Care About Orphans

Orphans & Scripture

Together We Rise SWEETCASES



TRANSITION TOOLKIT for those getting ready to age out. A road map is always handy to have!


Visit our DONATION page to find our how you can get your FREE copy of the newly released movie CAMP.  -   Grab your tissues!

We Cannot Change What We Refuse To Confront

Our Mission is to build a bridge between our community and existing foster families.



Not every one can be a foster family, in fact most people aren't, but we can all help in some way; but how?  Well, that's how FCF of Idaho comes into play.  My working partnership with DHW and One Church One Child gives me direct access to the needs of our community foster families.  When your donations come into to Foster Care Friends of Idaho, they are directly funnelled into the specific requests that come into DHW. 

Many people have a burden for foster care families but feel powerless to help. There are so many things that most kids take for granted that are out of the reach for many foster kids, such as summer camps, church camps, senior photo shoots, school sports, after school sports activities, music lessons, shopping without a voucher, and the list goes on. Shopping for clothes without using a voucher system is foreign to many of these precious children.  Christmas time can be extra burdensome for foster families, as it's an expensive time.  Many churches and the Soroptomist Club sponsor foster children, but not all get sponsored. 

How You Can Help

Donations, either financial via this website, or clothing donations to our FOSTER CLOSET, is one way you can reach out and help! Please call or message me if you have a clothing donation for pick up.


Education and awareness is the first step. The disparity between licensed foster families compared to our population in Ada County and surrounding areas is alarming.  If just ONE FAMILY from every local church would become a licensed foster family....the difference in our community would be astounding.


Another way to stay in touch with what is going on with FCF and foster care issues in the community is to follow our Find us on Facebook

Facebook page!



For Them,


Tina Apostolou


© 2013 FCF of Idaho


(208) 941-0594



FCF is a Non-Profit Organization.  All donations are tax deductible under section 170 of the IRS Code. TAX ID 46-2388315

Mailing Address: 5783 E Barrel Horse . Kuna . ID 83634

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