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A Non-Profit 501 (c) (3)

Established to help foster families in Ada County

Tina Apostolou

(208) 941-0594

Foster Care Friends of Idaho, Inc.  

Yes, it will take a working partnership with One Church One Child (a division of Health and Welfare, DHW of Ada County, and others in our community), but they are eager and willing and see a great need as well; it simply takes STARTING the process, getting the wheels in motion, and allowing God to put the pieces of the puzzle together.


I believe in the years to come we can relieve some of the financial responsbility of our state for taking care of these wonderful orphans; it should be the church that steps in to show the love and support for these amazing kiddos.


~ Tina Apostolou

The concept of Foster Care Friends of Idaho, Inc (FCF of Idaho)  isn't that hard, really.  It started a few years ago after I was a counselor at Royal Family Kids Camp.  I did that for two years.  My life got extemely busy again after those two years and I was not able to be a summer counselor.  I looked for a way to reach out to foster kids, or even foster families by doing a search on the internet in Ada County, and found nothing existed, other than applying for being a foster family.  Thus began a search across the nation to see if anything existed elsewhere.  It did, thus began the process to build a bridge HERE to help connect our community to foster families and bridge the financial gap that exists, thus showing foster families and foster children that the community cares.


© 2013 FCF of Idaho


(208) 941-0594



FCF is a Non-Profit Organization.  All donations are tax deductible under section 170 of the IRS Code. TAX ID 46-2388315

Mailing Address: 5783 E Barrel Horse . Kuna . ID 83634

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