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Checks can also be mailed to: 5783 E Barrel Horse Ln, Kuna Idaho 83634

Our phone: (208) 941-0594

Our email:

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-Royal Family Kids Camp is one of the most life changing experiences for a foster child.  It costs $350 for each child to spend a week at camp.  All Gold Sponsors will get a FREE CAMP DVD Roebuck Media (watch trailer below), in addition to letters about your kiddo's experience.  YOU CAN change a life! 



- After School Sports

-Senior Class Package

-Medical / Special Needs



- Art Enrichment (music lessons, etc)

- Athletics, YMCA, Boys/Girls Scout


ONE TIME GIFT $25  Helps buy a gift card or diapers!


FCF MONTHLY FRIEND! Donate $30 a month, send a foster child to camp and change a life FOREVER! Three hundred and fifty call be alot at one time for many people, for $30 a month you can also send one child to camp EACH SUMMER! 



Foster Care Friends of Idaho, Inc. has put the donations in AWARD categories.  Every GOLD SPONSPOR will get a FREE CAMP DVD.


It costs $350 to send a child to Royal Family Kids Camp and in addition, many high school foster children miss out on the niceties that normal kids experience.  Bridging the gap to help with extras is the goal of FCF.


You may donation via the Donate Button Online, Downoad a donation form and mail in a check, or email me your requests and I can take the information over the phone!   ~  Thank you for being a blessing!

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© 2013 FCF of Idaho


(208) 941-0594



FCF is a Non-Profit Organization.  All donations are tax deductible under section 170 of the IRS Code. TAX ID 46-2388315

Mailing Address: 5783 E Barrel Horse . Kuna . ID 83634

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